13 Sep

Creating a post-chemical peel skincare routine is essential for nurturing your skin as it heals and maximizing the results of the treatment. A chemical peel can effectively rejuvenate your skin by removing damaged outer layers, promoting cell turnover, and improving texture and tone. Here's a comprehensive guide to establish an effective skincare routine following a Chemical Peels in Dubai.

Understand the Healing Process

First, it's important to know that recovering from a chemical peel can differ depending on the depth of the peel (superficial, medium, or deep). The initial healing phase usually lasts from a few days to a couple of weeks. Key signs of your skin healing include redness, peeling, and dryness. Treating your skin appropriately during this time is crucial to ensuring a positive outcome.

Day 1 to 3: Immediate Aftercare

Gentle Cleansing

  • Product Type: Use a gentle, hydrating, fragrance-free cleanser.
  • Frequency: Cleanse your skin twice daily.
  • Technique: Use lukewarm water and pat dry gently with a soft towel. Avoid scrubbing or using any exfoliating agents.


  • Product Type: Opt for a rich, emollient moisturizer that contains ingredients like hyaluronic acid, ceramides, or glycerin.
  • Frequency: Apply multiple times a day, especially after cleansing.
  • Technique: Layer on a thick layer of moisturizer to lock in hydration. Look for products labeled as "hydrating" or "soothing".

 Sun Protection

  • Product Type: Use a broad-spectrum sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher.
  • Frequency: Apply daily, reapplying every two hours if exposed to sun.
  • Technique: Avoid direct sun exposure, and wear protective clothing, hats, or sunglasses for added protection.

 Avoid Active Ingredients

  • Refrain from any active ingredients such as retinols, AHAs, BHAs, vitamin C, and other exfoliating agents during the first few days to minimize irritation.

Days 4 to 7: Transitioning

As your skin starts to peel, the following adjustments can be incorporated into your routine:

 Continued Gentle Cleansing

  • Product Type: Stick with your gentle cleanser, but if your skin feels less sensitive, you can introduce a mild exfoliating cleanser (only if tolerated).
  • Technique: Continue to cleanse gently, avoiding any harsh movement.


  • Enhancement: Start using a moisturizer that contains soothing ingredients like aloe vera or panthenol to help with inflammation.
  • Additional Care: Consider using a hydrating serum with ingredients like hyaluronic acid.

 Sun Protection

  • Continue sunscreen use, but be diligent as peeling skin can be more susceptible to UV damage.

Introduce Lightweight Products

  • If your skin feels comfortable, you can slowly introduce lightweight serums, particularly those that are hydrating or calming.

Week 2 to 4: Building Your Routine

As your skin heals, you can begin to gradually reintroduce active ingredients while monitoring how your skin reacts.


  • Product Type: Transition to a more hydrating cleanser if your skin feels ready.
  • Frequency: Continue twice daily cleansing.


  • Use a nourishing moisturizer suitable for your skin type, perhaps with added peptides or antioxidants to help repair and strengthen the skin barrier.

Reintroduce Actives Gradually

  • Slowly reintroduce vitamin C and peptides to enhance skin brightness and repair.
  • Restore gentle retinol at night for anti-aging benefits, initially using it just once or twice a week.

Ongoing Sun Protection

  • Maintain strict sun protection, which is crucial as your skin remains sensitive and more prone to pigmentation for several weeks after a peel.

Long-Term Care Strategy

Once you’ve transitioned successfully after four weeks, consider the following ongoing routine:


  • Maintain a gentle yet effective cleanser suitable for your skin type to prevent irritation.


  • Choose a daily moisturizer that keeps your skin hydrated and includes beneficial ingredients like antioxidants, ceramides, or hyaluronic acid.

Targeted Treatments

  • Utilize serums and treatments tailored to your skin goals, such as niacinamide for oil control, peptides for moisture, or glycolic acid for continued exfoliation.

 Regular Exfoliation

  • Introduce gentle exfoliation 1-2 times a week using products with mild AHA/BHA to promote cell turnover.

 Protective Measures

  • Keep up with daily sunscreen application and protective measures from sun exposure.

Final Thoughts

Creating a post-chemical peel skincare routine is about adjustment and sensitivity to your skin's needs as it heals. Always consult with your dermatologist following a chemical peel to tailor a routine specifically for your skin type and peel depth. Listening to your skin and being patient throughout the healing process will ensure that you achieve optimal results from your chemical peel, resulting in radiant, rejuvenated skin.

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